Saturday, June 13, 2009

Update on Denny:

Please pray for my family and his at this time... Here is the e-mail I just recieved from my grandma.

Hello everyone:

Dad and I spoke with Karen this morning. Denny had been in the hospital all week but is home and they brought in Hospice last evening. One doctor said a week; another said 1-3 months. He is not able to eat, however, and they are not feeding him through an IV. He would have to be in the hospital or a nursing home to do that, and his wishes are to die with dignity at home.

Something I did not know is that there is very little or no pain with brain cancer. He is not on any meds for pain and is, in fact, pain free.

When I called Karen, I was just praying that Anita would not answer the phone. What can you say at a time like this? I would have just wound up crying and she certainly doesn't need that. If anyone has a need/right to cry, it is Anita.

Karen is in school three nights a week, six hours each night, plus she is now taking the reins of her new job. Between school, a new job, and Denny's circumstances, they are both just about exhausted. She said a lady at church asked her Denny is doing and she looked at her and said: "He's got brain cancer," (which the lady knew, of course) and turned around and walked away. Later, she found her and apologized -- but that will tell you how useless words are and how tired she is.

If any of you would like to send her a few lines by e-mail, send it to You know she would ordinarily be delighted to hear from any one (or all of you), but I've written all of the above so that you may know phone calls are not the order of the day at this time. I'm sure she'd welcome a note and knowing that you are praying for all of them.

Be good to your loved ones. We have no promise of tomorrow -- only the promise of a life with Christ when we get promoted out of here.

Thank you,

1 comment:

Lisa Christine said...

I love the ending advice to be good to your loved ones. Our time together on this Earth is to be cherished and appreciated.

(thank you for all those links! You are such a dear!)