Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm just going to say this one thing....

If you're going to skip out on your bill when you're one of my tables, make sure I can't find you on Facebook.


SuzanSayz said...

HOO HOO! That must have been one sweet revenge. Can Applebees do anything about it? It seems sometimes like the police don't want to be bothered by such small cases. Which I don't understand at all. Hey stupid cops: instead of sitting around all day waiting for people going 7 miles over the speed limit, why don't you be more productive and take care of the REAL bad people like this?????
Not only that but I bet if they did it at your place they've done it at every other place. The jerks who ditched that would be.
Not the stupid cops.

David said...

ditto what susan said!