Saturday, January 31, 2009

KaTrina thinks the worst thing Obama has done thus far, is root for the Steeler's...

Friday, January 30, 2009

Theres been a lot of posting going around here lately!

I thought this was fun, it's been passed around Facebook for a while, and I thought it'd be fun here.

-I tag everyone that has access to my blog!

RULES: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

Also, feel free to comment :-)

1. I've been tagged to do this thing twice, once was a month ago, the other was last night, I finally thought I should do this.

2. I grew up in Washington, do you see a "D.C" behind that?! No. I didn't think so.

3. I have a million siblings, and the only way to make sure I say all of them is to say them in age order...Ready go... Amanda, Caitlin, Brandon, Allison, Lauren, Sarah, Aaron, Abby, Becka, New Baby Noname (those are my moms) John, Alyssa, Alex (those are my dads).

4. Joining SAI was quite possibly one of the best things I've ever done. I decided if I wanted to enjoy college life, I had to make an effort to get involved and SAI was the perfect place for that.

5. I'm the worlds largest procrastinator.

6. I'm getting old. Want to know how I know? ...I watch CNN/MSNBC/FOX every morning.

7. I thoroughly enjoy some classes, and absolutely detest some...Such as math. Ugh, math.

8. My "s" key on my keyboard is persnickety.

9. I just used the last one so I could say the word "persnickety"

10. I laugh when people call me out spoken... You should have saw me 2 years ago, talk about being out spoken! Every word that came out of my mouth was MY opinion, and I didn't care. I'm much better about it now.

11. I have a close relationship with my grandparents, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

12. My mom and I go through periods where we call each other every day, even just to say we're alive.

13. My dad is my best friend, and I wouldn't trade it.

14. I grew up with my dad, and we have the "mom/daughter" relationship that some girls have with their moms.

15. I love my job, contrary to popular belief... I just think a lot of people that come into Applebee's are morons.

16. I am the biggest facebook/myspace stalker in the world. But it's okay, it's the way I know if I want to get to know a person more or not. Ha... It's not that bad, I swear. ...what was your last name again?

17. I love the color green. It's my favorite!

18. I use to get mad that I wasn't engaged yet, but now, I'm okay with it.

19. I should be leaving for class right now (I'm really odd and leave 20mins. early)

20. I hate being late for a class. Well, for anything really.

21. I love going to family functions, even if they're not my family :-p

22. In 2005, the Seahawks should have won the superbowl... The funny thing is, even some Steeler's fans will admit that.

23. I graduated in 2005 and feel ancient when I'm in classes with freshman/sophomores that graduated in 07 and 08... Ech!

24. I'm terrified of the weather in the Midwest. I think it's because I never grew up with massive amounts of rain, tornado's, and massive hailstorms.

25. And finally, just trying to get my point across a little less subtley. IT DOESN'T RAIN ALL THE TIME IN WASHINGTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...I'm from the Eastern side of WA, you know, the DESERT! That's almost a bigger pet peeve than "D.C."!! Oh, and it rains more here than it does in Seattle, so get over yourselves lol

Sorry for any hostility....THE END!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

School Research Papers...

So, I have three HUGE papers... One for Philosophy, one for English112 and one for American Historical Survey, all three of which are due around the same time (in about a month-a month and a half), so I figure I should get started on them early.

***Disclaimer: No you didn't die, the worlds biggest procrastinator did just say that... mostly with hopes that she doesn't fail.

But, I need some help...

For my English paper we have to pick an interesting topic/event that we would like to research, and it has to be something that we are honestly interested in, and something that we don't know much about... I think that Hanford would be a fun one. Basically just, how the Tri-Cities got their start back in the 40's(?)...

For my History paper we have to interview a DEAD AMERICAN. How the crap do you interview a dead person? ... So yeah, any ideas on what dead American person I should interview?

Oh! I also need a song for a musicale coming up in my fraternity! (Speaking of fraternity, Caitlin is doing well...not a single scratch! but she apparently had a seizure behind the wheel. Some One was def. watching over her.) Anyway! I need a song. What kind of song?! A love song!

...So basically, what do you think about my idea for my English paper?
....Got any good love song ideas? (Alto/2nd Soprano)
....And, do you know any cool dead guys?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Prayer for a "sister"...

As many of you may recall, I'm in a fraternity (yes, a fraternity don't correct me and call it a sorority, it's not social it's academic.). Well, on Tuesday night we heard a rumor that a sister was in an accident and life-lined to St. Joseph (A bigger city 45 mins. away); so we decided that if anyone heard about the accident, that we should IMMEDIATELY tell the other sisters, so we can all be informed.

After the meeting there were a few sisters that had some not-so-nice things to say about our sister in the accident, and I found it rather irritating. I don't care what happened in the past, they need to get over it, especially when there is a sister in need.

I was actually the one who found out the information first, and immediately sent out texts/e-mails to the others. This is what it said:

Hello ladies;

Today in our meeting we talked about a rumor heard about a sister, Caitlin Kinman. I just thought I'd let you know, the rumor is true and she is in ICU in St. Joseph. They found internal bleeding.

I don't know much about what happened/is happening, but I know we talked about it, and said we'd pass along any news we heard.

As I said in the text message I sent to a few of you in my phone, no matter your differences, she's a sister, and she needs us to keep her in our thoughts and prayers. Don't forget; In 1910, seven young women made a pledge to help each other with sisterly affection and to stand for the utmost music scholarship, uprightness of character, and the friendly unselfish relations among women in music.

Love and Roses,

I don't think I was out of place saying what I did. Do you? It was a lot nicer than it could have been.

Today, I found an article online from our local newspaper, about the accident:

By Mike Herring
Maryville Daily Forum

Maryville, Mo. -

Missouri State Highway Patrol and other area rescuers surround a 2001 pontiac Aztec, driven by 19-year-old Caitlin Kinman, after she drove it off the east side of the roadway, through a residence’s yard Wednesday morning and into a tree while traveling north on Highway EE, four miles east of Maryville. Kinman was reported to be in serious condition and was taken to St. Francis Hospital.

If you could please take the time to pray/keep in your thoughts, both Caitlin, and our other sisters so that Caitlin can get better quickly, and so our other sisters can settle their differences, that would be great.

Thanks so much.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Adam!

Today is Adam's 23rd Birthday! It's a glorious 60 degrees outside, sunny and marvelously beautiful!

...And today we will...

Eat Birthday Waffles!

Go to class until 4
Open a birthday present...Which contains....

All because in Philosophy the other day we watched a portion of the movie, and he said he forgot how much he liked it, and that he would like to own it. He insisted we go to Wal*Mart to buy the first one, that night, Tuesday, to buy it, and I "forgot" about it, and played a video game with him instead. Then, secretly snuck on to and found the Trilogy for less than $30!! So I bought it and paid for the fastest shipping, and it got here today while he was in class! Now it is wrapped and waiting for him to get out of class!

...After he comes home from class, we will go to St. Joe

...After St. Joe, we'll go to a bookstore, because Adam LOVES books!

...After books, and maybe a few other stores he enjoys, we'll go out to eat and have some more fun at....

Because we've both never been to a Casino, and he's said a few times he thinks it would be fun. Of course, we'll be sensible and only spend $20 or so.

After all that excitement, we'll come home, cozy up on the couch...
And watch...

In one hour, the fun begins!

Monday, January 19, 2009


I HATE video games.... Well, it's not that I hate the games themselves, I hate what they do to the people playing them. How they steal the person playing them into their own virtual world. How they're addictive so the person playing them would rather do that than anything else, and how if you suggest something to said person such as hanging out, or playing a video game we both enjoy (Look, I'm trying here!!!!), he denies you so he can play his stupid video game that continues to steal him from me.

Bottom line guys, girls shouldn't have to compete for your attention with a stupid freakin' video game.

I know this post isn't well written, and for that I don't apologize. I don't care right now, I'm just mad.

Friday, January 16, 2009

quick update before i go to work

I called the cops on the neighbors last night... i have no idea what was going on up there, there was tons of screaming for like an hour and then i heard her sobbing, while, mind you, there was blaring music upstairs, and then i heard what sounded like a body falling on the ground, and then more sobbing and screaming, so i called the landlord, and apparently the landlord has a broken arm, so she couldn't drive over here and told me that it'd be best if i just called public safety, so i did. then i heard the cops get here, and i heard them knock on the door, and no one answered so they knocked again and said "this is the police, you need to open the door" then they opened the door and it sounded like the man was arguing with the cops, then it was really quiet for like 20 mins, and the cops left, and then it was quiet upstairs except for the baby making noise every-once-in-a-while, and a lady playing with him.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New neighbors....

So, in the apartment complex I live in, there are 4 apartments, two upstairs and two downstairs. I live in one that is downstairs. Last semester there were mostly girls living here, we were all quiet, and no one really had any problems with anyone else. Now, one of the girls moved out while I was in Washington, and the other day I came home from work and there was a U-Haul in the parking area, so I knew someone was moving in. Little did I know, they'd be the loudest, most annoying people I've ever not met in my entire life.

Now, you may think I'm being over dramatic about all of this, but I can assure you I'm not. Above me now lives a couple, a young child (I'm assuming around 1 or 2), and a dog. The couple argues constantly, the child cries every now and then but is quickly screamed at, and when the family goes out, the dog won't shut up. I've also been talking to the other upstairs neighbor about this (via facebook lol), and she said the new tenants also make the entire upstairs smell...

I've thought about going about this several different ways. First, I called my mom and she said I could go up there and let them know I heard there baby, and that I just thought I'd let them know that if they need a break or a babysitter, that I'm just down stairs and if I'm not working or in class, I'd gladly help out since I'm the oldest and have plenty of experience babysitting. Now while that sounds like a great idea, I don't want them to fire back something about their child being none of my business, or even having them accept it and abuse the fact that I offered to babysit and dropping their kid off at my apartment constantly.

Another way I think this could be handled is by leaving a polite note on their door asking them to please keep their voices down and their yelling to a minimum since they're surrounded by college kids that work late so they would like to sleep in. And also asking them not to use swear words like "GD" and dropping the F-bomb every other word at their child, and also requesting that they figure out a way to make their dog stay quiet while they're not home, perhaps by keeping a television or radio on, so it gets use to others making noise, or opening doors.

I'm really not sure how to go about this, but if I wake up one more time because of their incessant arguing, I'm going to pitch a fit, and alert the landlord. The biggest thing that bothers me is them yelling at their child, and not trying to resolve the issue. I feel so bad for that poor kid. I'm not even sure what to do...