Saturday, February 28, 2009

A few post all in one...

There are 3 different things that I have wanted to post about the past three days, so I think now we'll smash them all together in one. :)


On Wednesday I had a knock on my door and there was a package, I bring it in and open it up, and inside was the most delicious thing in the world... Skipper's Clam Chowder, all courtesy of Kelly. I ate it for lunch on Thursday and called my mommy and bragged. Needless to say, she thinks that Kelly should send her some too. I told her that she can't use my resources. lol


Ever since I've been a server, I've wondered how much we actually walk during a normal shift. Well, I went to Wal*Mart and bought a pedometer for $5.00, and put it on when I walked into my place of work, and took it off when I was leaving. I walked 2.99 miles in 5 hours at work, and it wasn't even busy. Tonight we should be busier, as Saturdays are usually busier than Fridays, so we'll see how much I walk tonight. I just thought that it was kind of interesting.


Last night there was some disgusting talk of snow, and I woke up to 4", when last night on, they told me light snow flurries. It must have been light snow flurry-ing for a long time to cause this much gross cold stuff to accumulate. Yuck. Snow.

The End.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm going to marry this boy.

This is AMAZING! His name is Nick Pitera and he has a lot of stuff on youtube, if you want to watch more. He doesn't just do Disney songs, its just that this one....Well, just watch :)

Amazing, right? I told Adam I'm going to marry him lol

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Birthday fun.

Happy birthday Mr. Kellyveronica Michaelmichelle Sorenson!

You're pushing 30 but we'll still accept you just the way you are :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm kind of a big deal

So today at work, I was hosting. Annoying, I know. Shoot me. I'm a server, not a host, but unfortunately a few of the people who no longer work there weren't competent enough to know, that if you'd like to keep your job, you have to show up.

Not the point...

Anyway, a couple came in and I got them seated. While the couple was sitting down, the lady looked at my name tag and said "Oh! You're the Diary of a Mad Waitress girl, aren't you?!" And I'm sure my face got a little white thinking "Oh goodness, I'm going to lose my job!", but no, she said I'm "hilarious", and that she loves reading my blog, and knew I had to work where I work because of something I said. It was highly amusing, and I asked her if I could blog about her on here. So here is the blog about her.

Thank you Mrs. Diary of a Mad Waitress stalker lady, I appreciate you.

***Just kidding she's not really a stalker, its just funny to put it that way, please don't get offended!***

So, aside from becoming an internet celebrity over night, we were busy as all get out, and I wanted to tell people to go to a different restaurant in town that is more expensive but probably won't have as big of a wait, but did I do that? No, because I'm a good little robot worker girl. Instead I took the dirty looks of people when I said the wait was 25-30mins with a smile and a "We'll get you seated as soon as possible."

This is the Mad Waitress, signing off.

***Autographs and faster seating will be given upon receiving a minimal donation of $5.00***

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Prayer Request

Today at 5:33pm

I just wanted to ask you a quick question. My mom is a part of a prayer group with ladies all around the world, it's called Hearts at Home; I was wondering if you'd like me to pass on the information about your brother to these ladies. When these ladies pray, it seems like miracles fall out of the sky. If you want me to pass the information about your brother along, I will. Just write a little blurb about him and whats going on, and in minuets there will be thousands of new ladies, families, and churches all around the world that will care about him, and pray for him.

I love you Xan.
Today at 6:30pm
KaTrina- OMG! That would be amazing! Adam's full story is on The website name is adamwisdom.

Adam was diagnosed on October 8th, 2007. He has gone through many different treatments including radiation, chemo, and stem cell transplant procedures that didn't take. The doctors have given us hope and have taken it away so many times. I found out yesterday that St. Jude's Hospital was sending him home after months of waiting to go there. They said his cancer spread even more. They sent him home with pain killers and told him to be with his family. They said it is a blessing each day that he wakes up.

Adam was born an angel. He is the kindest person I have ever met in my life. He is always more concerned about others than he is about himself. I have learned a lot from him and he is only 16 years old. He is amazing. The website will go into more detail. I'm sorry. I am trying so hard to be okay and trust God. I know he has a plan. I know everything will be okay in the end. I am just so scared of forgetting things about him and being strong for my other siblings. I love him so much!

I love you too!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New blogger!

My grandma, Joyce, now has a blog! It's all about her journey through the Bible this year, you can check it out here.


Monday, February 16, 2009


I un-privatized my blog. Hopefully we won't have any issues again.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Date

I had to work Valentine's Day morning, so Adam and I decided to go to St. Joe, a town about 45 mins away, for a change of scenery, and their theater had the movie I wanted to see. I got off work a little earlier than we thought I would so we thought it would be fun to just spend the day in St. Joe instead of just that evening.

We went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch, and Oh goodness it was delicious. I love BW's, and I haven't been to one since I lived in Indiana 2 years ago, so when we discovered St. Joe had one, we knew that's where we were going!

After that we walked around the mall and window shopped, having a lot of fun, went to a bookstore, and walked around a few other stores since we had time before our movie started.

Eventually it was time to go to a movie, and we had bought our tickets via the night before so we could make sure we got our tickets, and we wouldn't have to worry about the line. So, we go to the line to get into the movie, and we have a problem, the tickets we bought were for Friday night, not Saturday night. So, they called a manager over, and the manager said not to worry about it, he understands the mistake and to just go ahead and go into the theater. I was oooh so very thankful. So we saw Confessions of a Shopaholic, and it was AMAZING. I loved it, and Adam really enjoyed it too.

After the movie we went to Chili's, had our appetizer, and waited for our food, when a manager came to our table and was really apologetic because they had lost Adams food, but mine was ready, and they could bring mine out. I asked for them to just make me a new one because I really didn't want to eat with out him, it's kind of awkward. She then offered to pay for our entire meal, and I said that wouldn't be necessary, because I work at a restaurant and understand how that happens. Our food came out in a VERY timely manner, we probably only waited 10 more mins, not a big deal at all, and it was DELICIOUS. But, we decided to save room for desert, so I have a full meal as leftovers today. We had a white chocolate molten cake with raspberry syrup, and it was amazing. I loved it. Our bill came and everything but the desert was taken care of. I was in shock, and really appreciated what they did, even though I think the ONLY thing they should have taken care of was Adam's meal, if they had to take care of anything. But our bill was $6.49, so we left a $20.00 and called it good, hoping to make sure that our server had a great evening as well.

After that we drove home, and called it a night.

It was amazing, and great fun, I really enjoyed it.

I hope everyone else had a good Valentine's Day too.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's day.

While looking through Wikipedia to see what they had to say about Valentine's Day, I found this great card from 1850

In the book up top it says :
Esther Howland Valentine, circa 1850: "Weddings now are all the go, Will you marry me or no"

Monday, February 9, 2009


I have Laryngitis, and for those of you who know me, know this has to be killing me, AND IT IS!! I have to stay quiet! No talking! No singing! Nothing! :( It makes me a sad sad KaTrina face.

Lucky for me theres text messaging.