Monday, September 29, 2008

Onenote, two note, three note, four note...

Green note, red note, blue note more notes...

No this isn't some weird Dr. Suess post, this post is about Microsoft "Onenote". Now a lot of you are saying something along the lines of "What in the world is Onenote!?", and I was in your same shoes until around the first week of September.

Onenote is a pretty useful program, if you are one to carry a laptop/PDA/etc. around with you. It can help keep you on task, keep your notes, phone books, bills, etc. For instance, the way the Microsoft webpage explains it is like this:
"Many of us carry a notebook or notepad around to take notes for business, school, or personal projects. But can you easily find — and decipher — the info you need? Is it convenient to share your notes with others? Take control with Microsoft Office OneNote 2007, the easy-to-use note-taking and information-management program where you can capture ideas and information in electronic form. Insert files or Web content in full-color, searchable format or as icons that you can click to access. Watch this demo to see how simple it is to gather, format, organize, and share information. And then say goodbye to your notepad!"
Now, they sell their product well, but I still am not a complete fan and couldn't see myself using it daily. Although, because of its assignments, I do use it to keep track of my tips, and sometimes lack of, from work, my schedule (even though it's already posted online), as well as my teachers information that they often hand out on a paper syllabus, making it much easier to locate. One major thing I don't like about Onenote is the fact that you HAVE to chose a template before typing, or have a blank page. Lame.

Until next time.

Friday, September 26, 2008

I have a new addiction...


The Tablet PC and Me Pt. 2

Last post about the Tablet PC, someone asked what exactly a Table PC (TPC) was... Well, a TPC is a computer that you can write on the screen. The screen has the capability of swiveling so you can write more comfortably, and you can also change the way the picture shows up from vertical to horizontal and vice-versa.

I really hope that these pictures help you understand more about the TPC.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

An interesting blog....

Here is an interesting blog that you may like and want to drop in on:

My mom's blog

It's really interesting, check it out.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The tablet PC and me

This weekend I was given the tablet PC for mydigitools class. Now don't get me wrong I thoroughly enjoy using it. I'm all for, fun new technology, but I'm posting this blog using the stylist, known as 'spinning", and I can type much faster and with less mistakes typing it up myself. Although it is interesting how it recognizes my hand writing and also corrects my spelling as I write.

I haven't done too much other than just writing and playing around a little with a few games that can identify what you're writing, I'm sure I'll write some more later, but for now, I'm just going to do some homework.

I hope you all have / are having a wonderful weekend! There will be more to come later.


Friday, September 19, 2008

One last thing..

I know, 3 blogs in one day?! Crazy!

...I have a new poll, look to your left =)

Good news!

Turns out I can indeed use my own blog for this class!

What does this mean for my current readers? Well, you'll be able to learn about some of the techy-stuff that we're doing in class, don't worry I won't stop posting other fun stuff, you'll just get new stuff as well!!

But, what does this mean for my new readers from class?! Well hello, hello! Welcome to the crazy world of...Me! If you scroll down you'll notice that there are many posts. There are some posts with my experience as a waitress, which is what the URL of my blog is..This blog USE to be solely about my experiences, but that restricted my blog far more than I really wanted, so now, it's "Just another day". All in all, enjoy and welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!


A quick little laugh...

A new assignment in one of my classes is "Creating a Blog" and funny thing is, we're using blogger... I wonder if I can use this one?

...We'll see!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Aunt Update...

So my aunt now lives on an island. Ha... Well, the only thing that got water in it was her garage, but if she steps out of her house, she'll be in a lake.

We can only be thankful now.

Thank you all for all your prayers, and those in the Midwest, watch out for tropical storm Ike, he still has more damage to do, stirring up tornadoes, flooding rivers, and making the wind blow.

Friday, September 12, 2008

A fun poll..

Lately there has been some controversy on my end about certain words, sayings and other misc. things....So, reply with your answers! :)

1.) How do you pronounce the word: Nuclear

2.) What do you call the packages of noodles all crinkled together with a seasoning packet?

3.) How do you pronounce Oregon?

4.) How do you pronounce Washington?

5.) When someone says they're from "Washington" are they from the East or West Coast?

6.) How do you pronounce the word: Coupon

7.) How do you pronounce the word: Library

When responding to these please spell them like you pronounce them. For instance, my name, KaTrina would be spelled something along the lines of Kuh-Tree-Na.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Prayer Request...

Because of Hurricane Ike, I'm requesting prayers, not just for the state of Texas, but for my family. My Aunt lives in Pasadena Texas, and doesn't want to leave her new home. My grandma has an empty house an hour and a half away, where she could take herself and her horse, but she'd rather just ride it out at home. Her neighbors are doing the same thing, and have always stayed during storms, so they feel they're safe, and have said that if at any time my aunt feels unsafe or needs anything, she can head that way. I just really hope that shes alright, and its terrifying for her to be going through this by herself. Her yard is only 7 ft. above sea level, so lets just hope and pray that she'll be okay.

Thank you all,
KaTrina and Family.

I'll make sure to update you when I know more.

RUSH Week Fall '08

Rush week has made my life HECTIC, but I love it. The girls interested in becoming members of SAI are so much fun to hang out with, and I love their enthusiasm.

Monday night was Death by Deserts, and even though I wasn't able to attend, I made 9 dozen cookies! Yeah, that’s right, 9 dozen… As in, over 100. Crazy, I know.

Tuesday night was the Musicale and information night, we had a lot of fun showing off our talents to the girls interested in being members, and everyone did a really great job.

Wednesday night, we had a Mexican Fiesta and PiƱata, and that was tons of fun, the girls absolutely loved it, and really enjoyed being able to eat, have fun, and enjoy everyone's company.

Thursday night, oh my gosh, we played capture the flag with Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia (our brother fraternity), and that was so much fun!! Even though Sinfonia won, we won last year so I guess it was only fair, everyone had a lot of fun. Although, it was slightly terrifying at the beginning because there was a possum down by the water watching us, but with 50 or so people, I don't think it was going to do anything any time soon. After capture the flag, the we sang for the boys, and the boys then serenaded us, and oh my, I just melt when those boys sing! I hope the girls realize that’s one of the biggest perks to joining SAI! :) Oh, and a bonus, all the rest of my 9 dozen cookies were eaten, THANK GOD! I wasn't about to bring them home AGAIN!

Tonight, Friday, is a Spa and Sleepover night, and I can't wait to get to know the girls even more, I'm extremely excited! It's even kind of nice to have it so rainy today because it means we should have a better turn out of all the girls, and who doesn't want to have a nice fun day inside when its raining outside?!?!

All in all rush week has been a lot of fun, and I can't wait until Spring when we get to do it all over again!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Saying Goodbye...

To the title of "The Diary Of A Mad Waitress"

...No, I didn't get fired, nor did I run out of material. I just want a blog that I don't feel so restricted to only posting about one thing. So, I will continue with the stories when I feel they are good enough to be discussed, but the title will be changing so I don't feel like such a traitor =P

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Welcome welcome welcome...

My mom has joined us in the wonderful world of blogging! Acctually...She joined a few months ago but in the past 3 days has just started posting. She has a few blogs up now, and I'm sure she would be happy to share with you, if you wanted to read them as well :)

Here you are:
Are They Really All Yours - Tales Of A Mom Of Many.

P.S. I am the oldest of her 10, yes I said 10, children, so it shouldn't be boring.

A Modern Day Erin Brockovich

You read it right folks, Erin Brockovich, as in THE Erin Brockovich, no no no not Julia Roberts. There has been a sever case of tumors breaking out in a town that is about an hour and a half away from where I live. They're checking water/soil/etc. Turns out there was a plant there back in the late 70's early 80's that buried a bunch of toxic waste, and some of it may have leaked and polluted the water, causing tumors. It's like the movie set broke out and is recreating the same thing in a town nearby.

Don't believe me?

Read it for yourself: