Sorry it's been so long since i've posted. I'm moved into my new place, but unfortunatly we're only a little over 1/2 way unpacked.
...Thursday I recieved a text from my sister when I was finishing the last few bits of cleaning out my old apartment. When I received it, my heart shattered immediately. A teacher, not just any teacher, an amazing teacher from River View High School passed away, and she found out while she was at school because they read a letter informing the students. I don't really know what to say about it other than she was one of the most amazing teachers I had. She was the kind of teacher, that in a small school, genuinly cared about everyone, unlike a lot of the teachers that only seem to care about the jocks. Ms. Marlow had her door open to everyone any time they ever needed it.
...Anyway. Uh, maybe I'll be okay to talk about it more later. For now, if you could please keep my sister, and all current and past students in your prayers that would be great.
Here are the articles from the Tri-City Herald, read the comments some students left, I'm sure you can get a feel for how she was percieved.
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2 years ago
I read about this in the TCH the day it was published. I thought it was so sad. It's scary just how quickly and unforseeable death can be.
In the back of my mind I couldn't help but wonder if she was as beloved among the students as the paper had said. You know how everyone who dies suddenly had a heart of gold, would give the shirt off their back to anyone in need, and was well loved by everyone they came in contact with. Well I guess I'm a little jaded. Unfortunatly I've known too many people who died, and reading their obits, you know what a bunch of rubbish it is.
Soooo, I loved this post, and hearing that she was just as loving, kind and wonderful as the paper made her out to be. You have my sympathy KaTrina. People like Ms Marlow don't come along very often and you were so blessed to have known her.
Susan was telling me about this at dinner tonight. I am so sorry to hear about this. There are always a few teachers that touch your life forever. Her passing will be a great loss in this world.
Did that make it sound like I had her as a teacher? Because I didn't....but I had a few that were special like I know she will be greatly missed.
(wanted to clarify :) )
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