Friday, November 8, 2013

Bzz Agent- Comforts for Baby

Loved the free diapers I got from Bzz Agent and Kroger!  They were great for keeping my baby dry, fit him well, and moved with my very mobile baby!

Okay, so of course it is hard to give up the name brands and go generic. There will always be name brands that just far out beat the generic. I have an 8 month old. When he was first born I used pampers over huggies because in my experience the huggies would leak, mostly overnight, sometimes during naps. I used pampers with him up until we discovered Comforts for Baby because of being a BzzAgent, so now we dont use pampers, because they were ridiculously priced.  After giving the diapers a shot I found they were great. Of course some nights they may have a little too much liquid right before bed, and the diaper and pull up can only handle so much, but overall I have not had many issues with leaking. I am currently buying the size 2 diapers. The diapers are not much cheaper but when you buy them often the little that I do save adds up. The pull ups however are drastically cheaper and Ive heard, just as efficient, which will be good when I need to start buying those too. I am satisfied!

I received this product for free from BzzAgent but it did not affect my opinion!

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