Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Peeeectars!!!!!!!! =)

New Haircut! =)
Smile pretty....
Do some weird "artistic" thing...
Look at how short the back is! (Definitely not as short as some have seen.)
Patches wouldn't look at me, so I stuck my tongue out...
Little Miss Moxie Muffinhead and Me! =)

Kitten and KaTrina Eskimo kisses

Smile Pretty Kitty!

Look at Patches and his Halloween costume! haha

He was probably thinking something along the lines of:
"Woman, you're weird.
Patches tried to lick my face so naturally I puffed my neck out in self defense? lol

Hope you enjoyed all the pictures!


Lisa Christine said...

Absolutely ADORABLE!!!! That haircut is perfect!

SuzanSayz said...

I love it KaTrina! It's always so nice when girls get a little older and realize they can do anything to their hair. It seems like in High School they all have the same hair because in that atmosphere nobody wants to be different. Good for you KaTrina!

Kelly said...

You already know what I'm going to say, so I'll make it quick:

wow... you're beautiful